N4DDP and Shack

N4DDP and Shack
N4DDP in native habitat

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Another Stealth Antenna

Still looking for the killer antenna which will stay under the RADAR. My current one is a three band trap vertical to replace my single wire up the palm tree. I used 1/2" copper pipe, 1/2" sch 40 pvc pipe for the insulators and coax traps. One for 10 meters and one for 15 meters. I am planing on installing a 20 meter trap and adding a wire to the top for 30 or 40 meters. The whole thing is about 12 feet tall. When I painted it black, it all but disappeared. Only been using it for a couple of days. I am finally getting some responses to my calls. 
I am a little wary of posting photos as who knows who may be looking at this site!